We deliver savings.
With aggressive guarantees, advanced trend management programs, and a bold specialty strategy, we are lowering drug benefit costs.
Just about everything. We have smarter technology, a straightforward approach to business, and a team that is driven to find a better way in everything we do.
With aggressive guarantees, advanced trend management programs, and a bold specialty strategy, we are lowering drug benefit costs.
Our technology and team were built to help payers innovate and compete in an ever-changing market.
No optics, no games. We take a transparent and straightforward approach to pharmacy benefits management.
We have a bold vision for the future of healthcare. For us, it’s about the people we serve, not the numbers.
Drug spend managed annually
Lives we serve
Rx claims processed annually
Part D rating achieved by our client
Do you want to make healthcare seamless and personalized for everyone? Become an Abarcan!